Hi, I'm Shamim Hossain
Answer some questions and I will help you to figure out the right CSS unit for your project.
Assuming you are only using these units for web development, not for print media.
You need 3 values for clamp, a minimum, "growth factor", and maximum. The minimum and maximum should probably be in rem and the growth factor a viewport unit, but also with rem added to it. For example: clamp(1.25rem, 7.5vw + .5rem, 2rem).
You can learn more about it in this video. There is also a fantastic tool called Utopia that you can use to generate a responsive type scale.
You can learn more about it in this video. There is also a fantastic tool called Utopia that you can use to generate a responsive type scale.
If you don't mind trying something that doesn't have the best browser support, you could substitute the `vw` unit with a `cqi`, which is a container query unit that gets the inline size of it's container. This does mean you need a container though. You can learn more about it in this video.